The Intimate Way of Essential Oils
Essential oils connect. They are bridges, keys that unlock doors within us, and we are gifted with a choice to open and cross them or not.
A whole universe resides inside these little glass bottles. Each oil has a variety of properties stamped in their chemical constituents, as well as an energetic signature or medicine just like all humans do.
The purer the oil, the closer to its nature. The closer to its nature, the more clearly we will receive the messages, connection… the medicine.
Scent is the first layer. It is so powerful that we find ourselves instantly rooted in the here and now. They gift us a sacred pause. No matter what the mind wants us to be, these friends gently nudge us into alignment with the way of nature. Even if it is for a split second, we are and feel wholly at home in our hearts.
They speak with us through aroma , yet if we listen closely they also speak with us in other ways — through color, words, sensations, images and more. Our entire sensory centers get activated. In the stillness of the sacred pause, their messages reach us in multilayered, multifaceted ways. Every part of our being is touched by them — physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual.
This is a very intimate approach. One in which stillness, trust, openness and softness in the heart is required. The medicine, the insights flow effortlessly with clarity to the open and receptive heart. It becomes an exchange from nature to nature, a heart to heart connection.
For example, my relationship with coriander. It started in a deep dive a few years ago in Sri Lanka. There, I was introduced to the nurturing and nourishing nature of this oil. Coriander is like that friend who holds both your hands, looks into your eyes and says, ‘it is ok, you got this, you are whole.’ Or rosemary, an encyclopedia of sorts. Like that friend whose memory is comparable to that of an elephant, a bright brain remembering everything from addition to ancient songs. Thus, when we cultivate these relationships, our memory too has the potential to expand, and our innate wholeness won’t be in doubt.
In my path with essential oils, Renew was the first blend I ever created. I had no idea it was going to become my closest companion in a two-year journey of self-discovery and dismantling a thirty-year old identity.
Little did I know these friends were helping me soften during this period of extreme change. They were walking with me at my own pace with glimpses of that state of true trust. That place where you can free fall into the great mystery with a smile on your face. It took two years to build this relationship. They quietly helped me release.
Now, after ten years of friendships, we have our own language. Messages arrive in pictures, sensations, colors, even movement sometimes. They have become truly precious in my life, and have accompanied me openly and without judgment to tops of mountains and depths of valleys, to birth and death rituals, ceremonies. They have shown me the way to my heart. My connection with myself and thus, my medicine and place in the world.
Catalina Alexandra